داستان آبیدیک

meta analytic


1 عمومی:: فراتحلیلی

In order to further understand and summarize leader humor effects in organizational settings, we employed a meta-analytic approach, cou- pled with path analyses, to quantitatively assess the literature. , correlation, t-statis- tic, and Cohen's d) for meta-analytic esti- mates, or (d) not examining any follower outcome or leadership effectiveness appraisals. , 2011; Kim, Lee, & Wong, 2016) in our meta-analysis because the number of meta-analytic samples for the fol- lower outcomes examined in these studies was too small (k 1/4 1). In addition, we performed meta-analytic path analyses (Viswesvaran & Ones, 1995) for the implications of leader humor expression (see Figure 1, for the overall conceptual model) in LISREL 8.80 (Jo�reskog & So�rbom, 1996), which required a meta-analytic correlation Despite the notable drawbacks of a meta-analytic path analysis, such as being sus- ceptible to construct validity threats, the prob- lem of effect size heterogeneity, and the endogeneity problem in the primary studies, as well as not allowing researchers to draw causal conclusions based on the data that are not largely experimental (cf.

واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران

2 روان شناسی و مشاوره:: فراتحلیلی، فراتحلیل

This is one of the major problems with narrative reviews (Johnson & Eagly, 2000) and one that is rectified using quantitative meta-analytic procedures. The study examined one or more variables or rela- tionships of interest and provided and/or conduct- ed (in which case the author provided) statistical analyses amenable to current meta-analytic tech- nique (e.g. Reliability coding was completed by a master's level graduate student trained by the author in meta-analytic pro- cedure. Given the constraints of current meta-analytic technique, however, the relative statistical simplicity of these studies was not detrimental as the results of t tests and correla- tions are easily meta-analyzed, whereas results from sophisticated published studies, which included structural equation models and regressions, are not (Lipsey & Wilson, 2001). Meta-analytic technique involves calculating an effect size for each study.،

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